Welcome to

Foresight Prime Wealth LLP

Financial Planning

We help our clients to secure their future by creating income protection and asset preservation strategies.

Children's Future Planning

Preparing the next generation.



Take control of your family's future

Financial Freedom

It's never too early to start planning for retirement.


Medical science is making it possible for people to live longer

Are you prepared to enjoy that long life without any financial strain?

There is a plethora of financial tools available

How do you ensure making the right choice?

Open Imagination

Your family needs you for financial security, whether you are around or not?

What safeguards have you provided to your family in this regard?

All investors face one or the other kind of risk!

Are you aware of the kind of risk you are exposed to?

We have the answers you need!

Sometimes you need an independent perspective to see things you might otherwise miss. We offer personal, one-on-one advice to address your concerns and help you develop a specific plan to meet your life-stage needs.